Re: 2K Chevy encounter

Date: Sun Jan 09 2000 - 21:41:08 EST

In a message dated 01/09/2000 11:01:38 PM !!!First Boot!!!,

<< o I'm at the car wash, minding my own business, drying off the R/T.
 This guy in a new extended cab Chevy turck comes up and asks the usual:
 "Whattaya got in that?"
 "is it fast?"
 "ya, it's OK?"
 "wanna run em?"
 "where & when?"
 "right here, now!"
 "let's do this!"
 I know, I know, street racing is stupid. I don't really LIKE to do it
 either, but......
 I won 3 out of 3, but DAMN that was a FAST truck!
 I barely pulled on him each time, up to maybe 60mph. He said all he has
 is a Flowmaster. OK, maybe he's telling the truth, maybe he's not,
 either way it was too close for me. I thoroughly expected to shred him,
 as my best 1/4 is in the LOW 14's.
 Anybody else run one of these?
              Alan S.

My old 1989 GMC with a 350 with 275 60 15 would run the qt mile in about 15
at 87mph. it didnt have the top end but it got there fast. that was the old
210 hp 350. the nev vortecs if he had the 6.0 hes got 300 hp stock. the
flowmaster would give him mabey 2 hp but it was all truck. unless he was
lying and just giving you lip service and had more under the hood. but all
and all the nev 6.0 and the 5.4 chevys are something to watch out for. the
4.8 is about as fast as my dakota

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