In a message dated 01/19/2000 2:27:28 AM EST, writes:
<< In a message dated 01/18/2000 4:44:44 PM !!!First Boot!!!,
<< Jeeze,it ain't like hooking up a truck is rocket science. >>
Really !
Ahhhh yeah.
Well if you look at it this way it is hard. a pick up truck doesnt
have any weight over the rear wheels.
Now see, you just answered your own question.
Now add in a big v8 with lets say 400
hp . and no matter what youll still have traction problems. tats just the
it is. the more hp you add to a truck the harder it will be to make it hook
up >>
You just can't stuff a big motor in and think your done. You must also
set up your chassis to compensate. One thing to look at is weight transfer,
One of the easier ways is setting the motor back an extra inch or two
and relocating the rear end. Decrease your unsprung weight and increase
your sprung weight over the rear end. It is also beneficial to determine your
*true* cg and go from there. Like I say man,it aint rocket science.
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