Re: Re: Cleaning the IAC/Truck Dies in the Cold

Date: Sun Jan 23 2000 - 20:45:57 EST

>I've noticed the post on my mopar battery to be smaller than after market

I replaced my stock battery with one from Champion, the negative post is
smaller than stock. Had a hard time getting it tight. What I did was cut
off the head of a small nail, and left a little bit to hold on to, then
stuck the head part between the clamp and terminal. The head got a grip
in the lead of the post and hasn't moved since.

>PS. I've stripped the bolts on the new terminals quite a few times and it
>keeps on corroding. I've tried everything I tell ya..

If you put some di-electric grease around the negative post you
shouldn't get any corrosion at all.

Lou-a-vull, KY

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