Re: brake fluid

From: Mike Schwall (
Date: Mon Jan 24 2000 - 01:44:10 EST

At 10:16 PM 1/23/2000 -0800, you wrote:
>I got my oil changed the other day at Jiffy Lube and they said that my brake
>fluid was low. They said this could be the result of a problem of some sort
>and that I should have it checked out. What do you guys think? It's a 98
>5.2L w/12200 miles

How low is it? Brake fluid level will drop as the brake pads/shoes
wear. Do you ride the brakes or use them hard a lot? Would seem 12K is a
little early for wearing pads and shoes. Take the water hose to the front
wheels - spray up at the brake calipers. If you see foam, your leaking
brake fluid.

To do the rears, jack up one side at a time (unless you have a real jack
and jack stands), take the tire off, then pull the brake drum and spray
water at the works (don't touch the shoes with your hands, or the inside of
the drum) If it foams, your leaking. If you see no foam anywhere, it's
most likely just wear and tear on the pads/shoes.

If all that seems too much, just take it to the dealer and have them look
at it - it's under warranty, unless you've modified it.



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