Re: wheel flares????

From: Frank Johnson (
Date: Tue Feb 01 2000 - 00:08:04 EST

Fits into what i said a few weeks in one of the the 4.7 vs 5.9 threads.
Basically i was saying it's going to get harder and harder to find parts for
the older engines. Course, my time frame was like 10 years from now, not a
few weeks. :)

Frank WJ

>owning a premag, I personally think mopar is giving me the shaft. Half of
>the MP parts for the premag 6ers have been discontinued. Even little
>things like 9:1 CR pistons, and piston rings are no longer available...
>why? I dunno, but it really sucks when you wanna build your motor up.
>They are slowly trying to get us older dak owners to giv eup our
>trucks... maybe this is a little far fetched, but think about it like
>this: If you can't get the parts you need for your truck, you will get
>fed up and buya new one... hhmmmm....
>-mike d.

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