Re: Tailgaters

From: Frank Johnson (
Date: Wed Feb 02 2000 - 00:59:32 EST

Sounds like a perfect opportunity to make some serious money. Slam on the
brakes, feel the impact, o no my neck!!!!
Tailgaters are idiots, especially at highway speeds.

Frank WJ

>What is it about my truck that makes people want to tailgate me?
>Driving home for a holiday on the NY Thruway, I had a Ford Expedition so
>close I couldn't see his headlights over my tailgate. And through all
>this snow the last 2 weeks, I've always had someone within 2 car lengths
>of my bumper. And countless other mindless drones following me just a
>bit too closely.
>I'd love to have some kind of warning light, but I fear I'll get
>ticketed. Maybe a gun rack and some NRA bumper stickers?
> ---
>Let's all get GNU'd together!

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