Oops...almost forgot...The simple answer (without getting technical) for
pinging is this:
The Air/Fuel mixture is igniting too soon and causing the pistons, rods,
and crank to violently shake causing the "pinging" sound. This can be
caused by one or a combination of the following:
(1) Poor Quality - Low octane fuel
(2) High Compression
(3) Excessive Carbon Deposits in the Combustion Chamber
(4) Engine Temperature a little bit too hot
(5) Arcing Plug Wires (or a bad Cap & Rotor)
(6) Timing is advanced too much
- Bernd
At 01:59 PM 02/07/2000 -0600, you wrote:
>That sounds like pinging to me.
>At 10:35 AM 02/07/2000 -0800, you wrote:
>>All right I guess I have to show my ignorance here but what exactly does
>>"pinging " sound like. My 97 Dak does make a strange rattling sound under
>>acceleration and it gets much worse when I use 87 octane gas. with 89 its
>>there but much less so. could this be the pinging everyone is talking
>>about, or is this some other problem . Any ideas?
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