"Jason&Sarah" <Jpm699@email.msn.com> wrote:
>Ok the below statement makes no sense to me. Why would a couple of mods
>together take away hp from each other?
It has to do with the law of diminishing returns. In general, it's
important to remember that just because one mod may add x hp and
another mod may add y hp, that the two together may not add x+y hp to
the engine. It would be nice if mods worked that way, but they just
don't. When it comes to a TB and headers, it's especially tricky.
Someone here, or on the R/T list I can't remember, had actual dyno
results which showed that adding headers with his bored TB gained him
almost no performance increase over the TB alone. The headers didn't
hurt, there was a gain, but only a small one. I think the TB was all
the engine needed for internal limitations like the cam or the head
ports to become the limiting factor on how much air could pass through
the engine. With the bottle-neck not being the exhaust, the headers
helped very little. Sorry I can't be more technical than this, but I
do remember the person's results as described above.
Terry Herrin
99 FR CC R/T
Wilmington, NC
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