Re: Trans Cooler

From: Kyle Kozubal (
Date: Thu Feb 10 2000 - 23:06:47 EST

> I have a 94 V8 Automatic. It has 112,000 miles and everything is fine. Are
> tranny coolers worth the money?Do you need one under normal driving
> conditions. I live in Georgia and during the summer it is HOT. Do they
> them for daks or do you have to rig them yourself.Do they extend your
> trannys life that much.Anyone with one?? Or are these just for your drag
> racers and heavy towing vehicles.
> Thanks
> Randall

When I bought my Dak in 94, it had 13,500 miles on it with no tranny cooler.
One of my dad's good friends is a mechanic and a Dodge lover. This was my
first 4x4 and my dad has never owned a truck/4x4 ever. He told us over and
over a good way to help alomst 'triple' the life off my 'new' Daks auto
tranny. First thing he said is to change the ATF fluid and the filter every
year. The second thing he said was to put on a tranny cooler. He told us
heat is the #1 killer of auto trannys. I ended up putting on a tranny cooler
meant for a Chevy 3500, just cause it was cheap and I knew it would cool
good. I tow a 3500 pound Great Lakes fishing boat every weekend or so with
my Dak from mid-March to late October, sometimes upto 200+ miles in
100degree weather; so the tranny cooler was needed. Now at 118,000 miles I
have zero tranny problems. Just my input, hope it helps......
93 Dakota 4x4 V6

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