Re: 86 Vett versus the R/T

Date: Sat Feb 12 2000 - 21:52:45 EST

In a message dated 02/12/2000 10:28:36 PM !!!First Boot!!!, writes:

<< I had an aftermarket eprom in my Syclone from ATR and mine would do 150+.
 I never saw a STOCK Vette run 3.9 0-60! Vettes are too heavy. Even the 69
 Vette I had, 427 4 Speed 425 hp was not that fast! But these cars and trucks
 break down easily so I drive a Dodge now cause I like fast but I also like to
 drive a truck that doesn't break down all the time.
 Jim in Waco. >>

well i could never find anyone who sold chips for my Sy. I did use a
hypertech chip that was supposed to delete the limiter but as soon as i hit
125 the damn fuel cut off came on so obviously it didnt work. the thing got
stolen and stripped so i didnt get to do any other stuff to it

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