here ya go
215/230 x 100 = 93.478
93.478 is the percentage number that u changed your tires by, an easy way to
estimate the speed is take 100% - 93.478% = 6.522 + 100 = 106.522 (the
overall percentage increase in tires size, now take that number stick it
back into percentages by dividing it by 100, u get 1.06522
take whatever speed u want and multiply it by 1.06522 and u get your true
sorry if i confused u by all the different (mostly unnecessary formulas, but
if u aren't very good at math i tried to make it as easy to understand as
possible by doing that!
----- Original Message -----
From: Heather M <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, February 21, 2000 10:56 AM
Subject: DML: mileage and speed conversion help!
> Ok guys, I took a LONG drive this weekend and was noticing that the
> I was driving was not what I was actually doing...DUH! I put bigger tires
> on! What kind of formula would I have to do to determine my true mileage
> and how do I determine my true speed? Fortunately going 90 down the back
> highway was beneficiary for me in NOT getting a ticket, but how fast was I
> really going?
> I went from 215's to 30's...can someone figure out what my true speed and
> mileage would be, or get me a formula that would work? I'm not too smart
> figuring this out (or should I say I deal with too many numbers at work to
> WANT to sit down and figure it out)
> TIA,
> Heather (aka SunburnedFromHell)
> p.s. Update on some picnic info will be going out tonight...I have to sit
> down and get some hotel info for everyone, etc. info!!!
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