Bilsteins are here....

From: Kyle Kozubal (
Date: Fri Feb 25 2000 - 00:19:14 EST

Just to let everyone know, Autozone called and all of my shocks are in. I
wish it wasnt raining out now, or I would be under my Dak installing them.
So, I guess it will have to wait till tomorrow, or the weekend. I will let
everyone know how things go and what I think about them. I checked my
'records' and the Rancho RS5000s have been on the since 47,000 miles(for the
rear shocks) and the since 57,000 miles(for the fronts). All I have to say
it that the Bilstein rear shocks are frigin' heavy; I dont remember what the
Ranchos were/are like, so I cannot compare off hand.
93 Dakota 4x4 V6......sending the Ranchos onto greener Ranches

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