At 11:01 AM 2/28/00 , you wrote:
>How many of
>you DMLer's out there own a Kirby and how happy with it are you?
Kirbys are great vacuums. It will definitely be the last cleaner you'll
ever buy. Take a look at what just about every hotel/motel uses. Whether
they're worth what you paid (we got our guy down to 900 before we gave in)
is a matter of personal opinion. But I don't agree with the logic of those
who say, "I can buy 5 or 6 (insert brand here) for what you paid for that
Kirby." I mean, you can buy 5 or 6 junked out Chevy trucks for what you
paid for your Dak but which would you rather have? What impressed us was
when he took our fairly new top-of=the-line Hoover and ran it over about a
2 foot square section of carpet for about five minutes, then took the Kirby
and in 15 seconds sucked up an impressive amount of dirt that the Hoover
couldn't get. Like I said, a bunch of junked out Chevys or a new Dak, your
choice. Oh, and that once every four years anniversary thing...go for
it,dood. She'll never notice. Welcome to married life.
Wife walks downstairs one night to find her husband sitting in the living
room crying "What's wrong, honey," she says. "You remember when you got
pregnant and your daddy pointed that shotgun at me and told me to either
marry you or he would have me arrested?" the husband replies. "Yes, I
remember," she said. "Well," he says, "today would have been the day I got
out of jail."
Mike Crumley 97 V6 Auto
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President; I'm beginning to believe it."--Clarence Darrow
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