RE: **Crower Rocker Arm Update!!!**

From: Stlaurent Mr Steven (
Date: Tue Feb 29 2000 - 18:53:06 EST

Sam, is there a polish chrome look for the 4.7 motor saying MOPAR on the
top? I still haven't found any.

Steven St.Laurent
Test Engineer
Test Branch, GSD,MCTSSA
MARCORSYSCOM, US Marine Corps (work) (home)
Office: (760) 725-2296

-----Original Message-----
From: Sam Parthemer []
Sent: Tuesday, February 29, 2000 3:26 PM
Subject: DML: **Crower Rocker Arm Update!!!**

Ok.. here's the skinny on the rocker arms.

I can get the price break with a ten (10) order vs. 20
or more.
so we can 'run' with this fairly quickly if people are
ready with visa/masterdischarge in hand.

The price on the standard kit, 73656K is (drum roll)
The price on the PK (the same 656 kit, with guide
plates &
longer push rods) is (drum roll) $531.43.

For anyone with friend's with V6 magnum motors, and
they want
1.7s... $259.00 for the standard kit, $398.00 for the

We will probably go ahead with a Friday ordering
session (this Friday)
so that people can get on with it. We can probably do
another batch of
10 or more later for people not quite ready to do
this. The way it will
work: You'll call Crower on Friday and place the
order through my contact
at Crower, and tell him it's through the 'Dakota Group
Purchase'. That's about it. I'll post phone number
and contact info. on Thursday evening on the Registry
and DML.

I am forwarding this on to the RT Registry/Club for
people on the list interested in jumping in on this
group purchase too.

I also have a group purchase on Valve Covers going for
people interested : Mopar Black Wrinkle $86 set,
Polished are $99 set (back ordered right now)... We
need these ordered in sets of 5-10 each (I have 8
already from the RT Registry/Club.)

Sam '00 RT

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