Sub boxes, with few exceptions (extreme fiberglass designs and
such) should always be made out of 3/4" MDF (Medium Density
Fiberboard). As for attaching the cover, it depends on what you cover it
with. Most cases you'd use a glue. That's the way pro installers put
automotive carpet on the boxes they build. Vynl you'd probably do the
same way, for anything else I wouldn't know.
David Gloff
Computer Technician
Valcom Professional Computer Center; Kemper/Scudder/Zurich Funds
aolim: dgloff
Loaded Intense Blue '99 Dakota Sport CC 318 5-speed 3.92SG
F&B Stage I TB, Keystone/Proglass Ram Air Hood, 14x3" K&N, Sir Michael's
Roll Pan, Custom monochrome paint
If ignorance is bliss, liberals must be the happiest people on earth
On Tue, 21 Mar 2000, Kyle Kozubal wrote:
> I may decide to custom build a center console for my Dak after the buckets
> seats are in place. First off, what kind of construction materials do most
> people use? I am assuming plywood, but what thickness. Also, where can I
> find/locate some good 'interior' fabric to cover the wood up with and make
> it look factory, preferably close to my interior color. How would I fasten
> the fabric to the wood, simple staple gun?? I guess alot of the materials
> will be very similar to those who have built custom speaker enclosures and
> other items. Thanks,
> Kyle
> 93 Dakota 4x4 V6
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