Re: Website Re-Design

From: Mike Schwall (
Date: Sat Mar 25 2000 - 23:49:45 EST

Very well put Shane. Glad your on our side.


><soapbox mode on>
>Dude - you are severly misinformed. Netscape and Sun's Java are like
>bread and
>butter. Netscape is the one who brought Java to the masses. Microsloth
>had to
>totally redesign their IE to catch up not long ago. Furthermore, Micro$oft's
>implementation doesn't even meet the spec for Java. As usual - they had to do
>it in a proprietary fashion - against the licensing - in order to maintain and
>help further their monopoly. This is one of the main reasons they went to
>federal court AND LOST.
>According to your definition of BASTAARDS - Brotherhood Against Social Trends
>Aimed At Restructuring Democratic Society, I would say that you need to take a
>LONG HARD look at what you are doing with your pages. Without climbing
>too high
>up on my soapbox - suffice it to say that Microslow is equal to the END OF
>INNOVATION in the computer industry. How you say? Netscape was a software
>product that basically brought the masses to the Internet. HTML and HTTP were


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