Try a local Credit Union. They are easier to get loans from and typicaly
have lower intrest rates.
> > Seff, there hundreds of loan places you can get money from.
> > The dealer
> > should look at every option from every bank for money. I
> > have seen people
> > with bad credit still get a loan here in San Diego. I mean
> > bad credit.
> Funny thing how credit works.. After I've gotten myself out of financial
> hock(courtesy of the ex-wife who ran 30k+ on credit cards), I was finally
> able to get a secure card. Then I bought my truck and just barely got
> approved for a Chrysler Credit loan. Now a year later I have 5 credit
> loads of credit, and because of the truck back in hock.. But I think
> into hock with the truck is much more satisfying.... ;-) But anyways,
> try Chrysler Credit, you may have to pay through the nose in interest but
> you're more likely to get approval. One thing I have found with dealing
> CC is that if you have problems with the truck and not getting the proper
> service from a dealership, drop a dime to CC about your problem(s), and CC
> will lean on the dealership to get the problem resolved. Just my 2
> Greg
> 95 DSCC v6 5spd
> Rahway NJ
> ICQ: 283886
> DML Stickers at:
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