Re: rough idle problem....

From: Kyle Kozubal (
Date: Fri May 05 2000 - 13:59:13 EDT

> well its back.......when i bought my truck it had a slight miss @
> idle...when it got cooler it seemed to when the temp is back
> up to 75-80 degrees it started again...could the EGR valve be defective?
> i know my 89 Daytona 2.5 had a rough idle I changed the EGR(as per
> TSB)it stopped. could the same thing happen? i dont want to spend $68.00
> on a new EGR valve and it not stop it. what do you all think?

Are you getting any EGR related fault codes? When my EGR valve died, I was
getting an EGR related fault code. It was not $68 either, it ran me $80,
since it was an electronic one. The dealer originally sold me the wrong one,
for $68 and then I had to pull the bad one off and take it in and ended
being the more expensive one. It turned out one of the prongs on the
electrical connection end on the valve corroded and rusted away, causing the
fault code. It was a fairly easy fix, but a costly one. I would try to pull
the codes first and see what comes up, if anything. Then I would check the
oxygen sesnor and check the AIS sensor motor on the back side of the
throttle body, as they do get dirty quite easily and would/could cause a
poor and erratic ilde. Good Luck
93 Dakota 4x4 V6

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