5-sp Power-brake

From: Chris Lambert (clam9892@postoffice.uri.edu)
Date: Wed May 10 2000 - 23:08:25 EDT

Ok here is another strange question. How would one do a power-brake with a
5-sp. Is it conceivable to basically put it in first (or second), start
rolling then slowly apply the brakes as the gas is applied? I don't like
the whole idea of a heel-toe method and was wondering if anyone has tried
this before I go and blow my tranny or clutch? Or should I just stick to
puttin down two gears of easy rubber with the occasional 2nd gear roast of
the tires. I just know that the summer is coming quick, and with that
comes burnout competitions. I know in my old 6 with the auto smoke shows
were easy as the 6 had the torque to just light em up. Oh well just
another random thought to you guys. I am sure someone had at least tried
this once or twice. I just figured that this would give a much better
control of the rpm's than the heel toe method.

'00 CC, 4.7, 5-sp, tinted windows, Magnum front plate, flairs, clear
corners, Stereo & Performance Planning in progress...

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