>I've been wanting to paint my handles and mirrors red also. How did
>you do it? sand them, primer, how does it look, any pics? Has it started
>chipping or anything?
I had the body shop who did the hood and everything else paint the
mirrors and door handles. I have no idea how they prepped it or if
they used a special epoxy paint or not (probably not). I've only
had my Dak back for a couple of weeks so there isn't any problems
with the painted black parts. You can see how everything ties in
together at http://www.members.home.com/clrobbins/pictures.htm
I remember someone had a write up on painting the black parts on
his Dak, but I can't remember if it was a web site or a DML posting.
If I run across it, I'll send to to you.
Chuck Robbins
'99 Dakota Sport
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