> I've been dragging in posting this, but I received my oil test report back
> from Blackstone Labs. I think they hit the nail on the head as far as the
> gas in the oil goes. I only drive @ 3 miles each way to work so the engine
> never has a chance to fully warm up. The one item that caught my eye was
> Boron level. I haven't had a chance to write back to Blackstone to ask
> it, but my levels were 3X higher than average. Does anyone know where
> comes from in the engine? Is this a wear item? My Magnesium was also high.
> Where does this come from? Is this something I should be watchful of or is
> it one of the additives in the oil? Note that my silicon (dirt) level is
> lower than average. I'm running a K&N air filter which several people have
> reported as not filtering as well as a paper filter. I guess I have a good
> one?
> BTW, I'm running Mobil 1 10W/30 with the Mobil 1 oil filter.
> Here are the results, word for word:
> John: 2.3% of this sample was gas and the oil's viscosity was light for a
> 10W/30, reading more like a 5W/30 when checked @ 210 F. No moisture or
> coolant found. Engine was perfectly normal for the type (compare with
> universal average levels) after 3,500 miles use of the oil. This was
> tri-syn oil and it appears to be getting the job done for you. Idling and
> city driving can leave this much gas in the oil. Check back to see if it
> still there next oil change.
> Miles: 36,939
> Date: 4/10/00
> Material My truck Universal Averages
> Aluminum 3 8
> Chromium 2 3
> Iron 40 77
> Copper 3 13
> Lead 7 22
> Tin 1 3
> Molybdenum 6 22
> Nickel 1 1
> Manganese 0 1
> Silver 0 0
> Titanium 0 0
> Vanadium 0 0
> Boron 54 18
> Silicon 17 19
> Sodium 5 63
> Calcium 764 1226
> Magnesium 1306 554
> Phosphorus 622 896
> Zinc 725 1040
> Barium 0 0
> Properties:
> Test Values should be Test values
> were
> SUS viscosity @ 210 F 59-68 57.7
> Flashpoint in F >385 345
> Fuel % <2.0 2.3
> Antifreeze % 0 0
> Water % <0.05 0.0
> Insolubles % <0.6 0.5
And this was on a 98 Dak?! How many miles are on it? Some of those levels
are really odd. I would give the lab a call and ask them what they think.
For comparison purposes, check out my oil report from Blackstone at:
They told me this "Universal averages show typical wear metals for an oil
from this type of engine after a routine run on the oil. Your oil was run
the nominal 3,000 miles, and we found wear quite low and properly balanced
for the type. No gas, moisture, or coolant was found in the sample. We like
your choice of oil and think your engine is doing well, especially for a 4WD
vehicle at 115,973 miles. Check back at 125,000 miles."
My truck now has 123,500 on it and will send in another sample at the next
oil change, which will be at 125,500.
93 Dakota 4x4 V6
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