RE: secret CB antenna - does it work???

From: Ronald Wong (
Date: Fri Jun 16 2000 - 12:56:23 EDT

What'd he say?


-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Mitchell Carson
Sent: Friday, June 16, 2000 9:47 AM
To: ''
Subject: Re: DML: secret CB antenna - does it work???

Now for a little antenna theory...

Your AM/FM antenna is no where near resonance at 27 MHz. To make it
"appear" to resonate at that frequency, the "secret CB antenna" idea places
capacitance, resistance and inductance in-line so that your CB radio sees a
50 ohm load with low VSWR. You can adjust the "load" using a
potentiometer -- thus "tuning" your non-resonant AM/FM antenna for good VSWR
on 27 MHz.

This "secret CB antenna" works more-or-less like a 50 ohm dummy load (a big
50 ohm resistor). It presents a good 50 ohm load with low VSWR to your
radio. By no means does it make your AM/FM antenna an efficient RF

If you want to be heard, you need an efficient RF radiator. Get a *real*
antenna that's suited for your intended purpose. A 1/4 wave whip works
best. Let's see, the middle of the CB band is 27.185 MHz (ch 19). 1/4 wave
on 27.185 MHz is 8.6 ft. (234 / 27.185 = 8.6).

Good luck,

> Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2000 07:24:09 -0700
> From: "snowgoer680 " <>
> Subject: DML: secret CB antenna - does it work???
> I'm ganna buy the secret CB antenna for my CB radio. This is so I can use
> factory am/fm antenna for using the CB. Does this unit work very good? I
> curious if anyone has tried these.

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