Quote,"He Likes dodge"???
I believe it goes this way. *We like Dodge*.
Quote,"Chevy 400","Bowtie"
Around here you need to watch where you put those capital
letters or someone would think you just wandered off of some
shivy list. Your *bad*.
Get a rope!
> Sorry for a hostile post but I think you are ignorant to exactly what the
> origin of the "Bowtie" is exactly. That term originated from the Chevy 400
> block that would literally slay your 318, 360 and I'd love to see it do it
> personally, just to see you eat those words. Sorry but the man's heading
> this originates from is not him. He likes dodge and well although I don't
> have anything against them, I'd love to meet you at a track or on the
> street....we'd really see who's "THE LITTLE BOY" then.
> Brian
> sena@team.camaroz28.com
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