> for 45.99 (currently 39.99 at wal-mart) the duplicolor roll on bedliner
> is excellent. I did my WHOLE truck, my subwoofer box, and I still had
> the container left. (that's one coat of the stuff)
> after rolling all that on, I got a little dizzy. that stuff is better
> the spray can crap!
> If you have an air compressor, I'd buy the duplicolor kit, and then put in
> another 35 bucks for their air sprayer. you'd be able to coat it much
> better, and it'd get all those hard to reach spots.
> -Dester
> PS. why the bottom of your truck?
Thanks for the info. Does it hold up to abuse though? I want to cover the
entire lower body portion, 8" or so, for exceptional protection against
rocks, tar and such. Where I live, or atleast where I drive....especially
during hunting season, a large portion of the roads are gravel and have some
nice paint chucks missing. Eventually this will turn into RUST and all the
tar currently covering the lower 8" doesnt look good either! Driving down
loggin trails, or just fourwheelin in general, I always catch a nice branch
which I hear scrapping down the body, so a liner would be great for this
93 Dakota 4x4 V6
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