Re: RE: RE: ebay FSM's (Norah)

From: Chuck Robbins (
Date: Mon Jul 17 2000 - 21:05:42 EDT

    I bought my FSM through a private seller and I don't know how they
obtained it. I quickly looked through my FSM and the only content
mentioning Canada was on the back cover where it mentions the
special tools. As for if it's the same as the "US's version", I hope so.
This FSM goes up to 25-28.
    I'm pretty sure that since I bought through an individual, all the
bureaucratic red tape was circumvented. I have yet to buy through
a Canadian (or any other country) company, but I remember other's
problems with currency exchanges, taxes and what not. One would
think that since the passage of the Free Trade Agreement (not to start
another off topic conversation ;-) these problems would have been
eliminated, but ...
    If you want, I can email you the seller's addy. Their feedback is
something like 1550, so chances are they have a lot of shipping
experience with the US.
    Lastly, thank you for your explanation. No offense was taken here ;-)

Chuck Robbins
'99 Dakota Sport

> Jason
> also thought that maybe you can't ship from the Canadian distributor to
> U.S. and vice versa... or maybe they supplied different material to Canada
> than they do to the US. I looked at ours very carefully as our '95 Dak
> brought up from the US and the FSM was bought in Canada.
> I would really appreciate it if
> there ever was any kind of legal problems in shipping to or from Canada
> the US, if we could be made aware of them before I inadvertently cross
> stupid little legalities.

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