With the door lock thing, It happens on my dakota also. 97 dakota v6 auto...
I have the DEI keyless entry w/remote start. Ocasionally, the door locks
would just lock and keep on "locking" making it sound like the lock motor is
about to grind the heck out of the gear...
Anywho. I think I have some answers to your dying dakota prob. Try checking
-Grounds. clean the ground connections
-connections that go into the fuse box behind the battery
-check the AIS motor. It helps monitor the amount of air that goes into your
TB at idle.....
Hope that helps.
<< When I got in the truck and
started it, it immediatly died. I tried it again with the same results. I
tried it yet again, but this time I gave it some gas, which kept it running,
but when I removed my foot it just died again. It took about 8 times before
it finally started and I have'nt had this problem since. What do you think?
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