At 08:52 PM 7/21/00 -0400, you wrote:
>You know that nice fold up console on the Gen IIIs. The one you can store
>CDs and also acts as a nice elbow rest........well the gide "wires" on mine
>broke when I raised it recently. It still works, buit the plastic that
>covers the internal hinge is all f*&$ed-up and I think I'm gonna have to
>take an exacto knife to the hangin out pieces so it don't look so
>Anyone ever hear of this or had it happened? Warrenty item?? It's just over
>a year old.
It's a warranty item. Mine first snapped on the night that I picked it
up from the dealer in Feb. '97. It snapped 4 times and was replaced
4 times under warranty in the first year. Chrysler admitted to the
dealer that there was a design flaw. A redesign lasted a few months
before breaking again. Finally, about a year ago, a second redesign was
issued and lasted about a year. This snapped in May ... after warranty
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