Re: Traffic Ticket

From: Chuong Nguyen (
Date: Tue Aug 15 2000 - 14:36:58 EDT

I KNOW I am guilty. I would just like to know if I can hire an attorney to
have it cleared. The ticket would still be paid and I'd learn a good
lesson. I know that for a fact. Oh well, if you think your last statement
is true (no flames whatsoever)


Read all the articles it states. Then it might change your opinion. But I
just don't want my insurance rates going up. I've been a pretty good driver
with 0 wrecks in the past ~3 years (pretty good for a 17 year old, huh?)
Althought I have had 2 speeding tickets, and now this, I have been a
wreckless driver. (well, not counting that time........) hehe

I see your point of thought, but I am not trying to say I am innocent. I was
guilty as hell. I would just like to know if insurance rates will rise
because of a ticket on "failure to signal movement"


  Before you decide to just fight a ticket based on principle alone, ask
yourself if you are really innocent. If the officer testifies that you
committed the violation, you will have to testify that you DID NOT and
convince the judge/magistrate accordingly. Are you willing to commit perjury
on the witness stand to avoid paying a $75 (or $200) fine? I would not be.
What are you left with if you subvert your integrity for $75. I have seen
more than a few DML members complaining about an inattentive driver causing
an accident which damaged their precious truck, yet when stopped for the
moving violation (turning, speeding, etc.) they don't want to be
The adversarial system of legal process exists to protect the innocent, not
to keep your insurance rates from going up.
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