well, the premag came out of hiding again.. this time it was runnin'
really well! So, out to the spanks we go!!!
first victim: 96 Accord.
I make a right onto Jefferson Avenue (fairly busy road, 3 lanes each
direction) and there is an accord on my tailgate. It's making a lot of
noise, and it was low.... he darts over to the center lane and I hit
it... I begin to pull on him and won't let him by (hahaaa!!). Having
sensed his aparrent loss, he ducks back behind me... about 100 ft later
he tries again... same deal, pedal to the floor. Then, after about 65
mph, he hits the go juice and edges by (I know he hit the gigglegas, I
could smell it.. and I asked some people he knows later, and yes, he DID
have to hit the gigglegas to get around me). That's pretty sad when you
have to hit the Nitrous to pass a 17 sec truck
next victim: 95 cavalier
same sort of senario. I'm merging onto Ft. Eustis blvd (a short stretch
of busy road.. 2 lanes each way). Cavalier on my tailgate jumps over to
left lane and guns it. I hear the woosh of a lack of horsepower, so I
begin to ease the peddle down. He had a jump, so I waited untill his rear
tire was at my front wheel to hit it. I pulled right up next to him,
looked over, and he put it to the floor. So, I obliged with a full
throttle assault... at 75 I got out of it with him in the rear-veiw... he
was pissed too =) wouldn't look over at me at the next light, and
eeeaaaasssed off the line when it changed... hahaaa!
I'm havin' no much fun now, wait till I get the 360 in there!!
-mike d.
PROJECT 13's ----> slammed 88 Dakota, 360 swap in progress!!
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