Re: Turbo thoughts...

Date: Sat Aug 19 2000 - 20:30:02 EDT

Bernd, you didn't happen to "turn up" the boost a little the last
time you visited them, did you?

<< Since they're in Atlanta and they're not that mechanically inclined...I've
 asked them to send me a copy of the repair order to give it a look-see. I'm
 not sure exactly what/how it happened, but they did verify that both turbos
 blew and there was some head damage (don't know which one). (I'm guessing
 head gasket...could be wrong though.)
 Look at it this way, her husband is in the military and they don't really do
 regular maintenance on their vehicles. ( sister does...he
 I'll have more details once I see the repair order.
 - Bernd >>

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