Re: Coupla Questions...

From: Andy Levy (
Date: Wed Aug 23 2000 - 19:44:06 EDT

ScapeGoat wrote:
> I've noticed a weird thing when I stop, sometimes feels like I'm getting
> bumped lightly from behind. It occurred to me that it could be the gas
> sloshing around in the tank. Does that sound reasonable?

I've been noticing the same on my '99 lately. And with people following
me closer than ever before in the last month, I am ALWAYS worried that
one of these sensations really is someone hitting me.
> This is a two month old '00 CC and it's my first vehicle, so I don't know if
> they're blowing smoke or what when I've gone in. The first time I took it
> in was for pulling to the right when braking, they told me they rotated the
> front tires and if anything it would pull to the left a little. Just after
> I pull out and stop at the signal, it's pulling to the right already.
> Here on the DML, I've read some about some pretty crappy service
> departments. Should I start looking for another one myself?

You deserve a properly-working vehicle. Period. Moving tires is a
lame, half-assed attempt at fooling you. Think about it. If you're
pulling to the right ONLY when braking, it's probably related to the
brakes, else you'd be pulling right ALL THE TIME.

If you aren't happy with the service, start moving up the chain of
command (service manager, dealership manager, district manager) with
complaints or/and move on to another dealer. Talk to people you know at
work or anywhere else about where they get their Chrysler vehicles
worked on (assuming they own one). I was seriously disappointed with
the dealer (5-Star) I first took my truck to when I moved here and went
to the other local 5-Star dealer and was treated very, very well.

-andy --- ------------------------------------------------------------- "I spilled spot remover on my dog. He's gone now..." --- Steve Wright -------------------------------------------------------------

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