RE: Bernd and the holeshot

From: Bernd D. Ratsch (
Date: Mon Sep 04 2000 - 23:20:06 EDT

Hehehe....I remember that! ;)

BIG...DIESEL...13's?!? F--k that Dually was QUICK!

- Bernd

-----Original Message-----
Subject: DML: Bernd and the holeshot

Can't wait for the meet in Houston...I'm gonna have to play around with Gene
for a few runs...(depending if he's up to the challenge.) LOL (
i'll be able to beat Gene on the hole shot.)

- - Bernd

Aw shucks Bernd..............anything is possible in Houston! I just hope my
tires last until the race!
Thatwhat it is like to be the big dawg........everyone wants to knock you
off. Well, guy and gals, bring it on as long as I don't lose to a

Gene Rivers
95 SLT
1999 Electronics Champ!
Houston Race and Show

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