Re: 2001 DML Calender ATTN : JON

From: Jon (
Date: Tue Sep 19 2000 - 13:20:08 EDT

On Tue, 19 Sep 2000, Jeff Crook wrote:

> I haven't seen any info lately on a 2001 calender. I hope this isn't due to lack of interest.
> How do we submit pic's for consideration.? i understand that last year there were left over calenders because not everyone followed thru on buying . If having a Deposit system will solve that, let's do it.

   Yep, I definitely want to do a 2001 calendar. Steven is checking on
the prices right now; I'm just waiting to hear back from him on that.
I would sort've like to nail down a price right off the bat (or at
least a "worst case scenario" price as it will probably depend on
the total number of calendars ordered.

   I guess I might as well start gathering pics and such for consideration
though; I'll post a separate message with that info. I definitely want
to have this calendar available sooner than last year's (i.e. before
x-mas) I'm hoping it will be available early december.

  As far as ordering goes, I *think* what I will do is once I can
determine a "worst case" price, everyone who wants one can pre-order
(I won't actually cash any checks until the calendar is available),
then if the price turns out to be less, I can include their change
along with the calendar... ?


  .---- Jon Steiger ----- or ------.
  | Affiliations: AOPA, DoD, EAA, NMA, NRA, SPA, USUA; Rec & UL Pilot - SEL |
  | '92 Ram 150 4x4 V8, '96 Dakota V8, '96 Intruder 1400, '96 FireFly 447 |
  `------------------------------ ----'

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