G-Tech-Pro Group Buy

From: Ronald Wong (ron-wong@home.com)
Date: Tue Sep 19 2000 - 13:27:21 EDT


Here's the deal. The new G-Tech-Pro will allow a group buy at $119.95. The
regular price is $139.95. There must be at least twelve (12) participants.
You may choose ground shipping ($6) or air shipping ($12). California
residents must pay 8.25% sales tax. Please e-mail me (ron-wong@home.com)
with your intent to purchase. As soon as I have all buyers we will set up
the buy. Let's set the deadline on this for a week from today (September
26, 2000, 5:00 PM PDT). Following this is a little blurb on the G-Tech-Pro.
If you want more detailed information, go to their website:

G-TECH/Pro takes advantage of many different measurements that can be
gathered from acceleration over time. For Horsepower measurement the user
has to input the weight of the vehicle. We utilize what we call "Intuitive
User Interface". To input weight all you have to do is simply tilt
G-TECH/Pro up and the numbers will increase and if you tilt it down the
numbers will decrease. Further you tilt it faster the numbers change.

In Horsepower mode G-TECH/Pro will display currently delivered horsepower
during acceleration and then when you slow down it will display maximum
delivered horsepower.
All the measurements are performed automatically. All you have to do is push
the button indicating to G-TECH/Pro that you are ready and then G-TECH/Pro
will zero-out and display -GO-. Then simply start accelerating. G-TECH/Pro
will know your speed and distance at any given moment and stop the
measurement at 60 mph or 1/4 mile point.

While measuring Lateral or Longitudinal G's user has the choice of
Instantaneous or Continuous mode. Instantaneous G's are great for analyzing
when tires lost traction during braking and cornering or measuring any other
kind of G-load. Continuous G's are designed for standard Skidpad handling
measurements of Lateral G's.

When measuring Braking distance in feet user doesn't have to start braking
exactly at 60 mph. G-TECH/Pro knows the speed always and it will only
measure distance from 60-0 mph even if you started braking at 65 mph for

00 SLT QC 4X2 5.9 46RE 3.92 LSD
For modifications see my DML Profile

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