Just go and buy a $15 dolar 14X3 paper aircleaner (with the chrome base/lid) And then buy a K&N 14X3, I wish I had done this, it fits just fine, ever 14X3 I ahve seen comes with a little tube for the Crankcase breather tube, so it'll work just fine, adn the filter (the K&N should be less than $30!) plus the $15 for the bas/lid, so total about $50 alot less then the $100 for the K&N FIPK!
On Wed, 20 Sep 2000 09:25:34 EDT ABeerCan@aol.com writes:
> Has anyone ever used this K&N fipk? I was wondering if it was
> actually a
> replacement item that includes an air hat, some type of tube, and
> then a cone
> filter. Or is it simply a round chrome air filter with like a 14x3
> K&N stuck
> in it?
> Will
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