Hi Folks
I am having the same trouble here. No listing
anywhere. I know the 4.7 uses an 18lb pressure cap
and I think the other engines use 16lb caps but am
lost on the thermostat. onl have Kragen and Pep Boys
out here and they all stop with 1999 listings. Also
their books don't even show the 199 Cherokee in 4.7 so
that brilliant idea went out the window.
--- SEMIHEMI01@aol.com wrote:
> Need part #'s for thermostat for 4.7L for>>
> ljohn@alltel.net<< He has
> the part # for a Robert Shaw but cannot find that
> brand and no body list the
> 2000-01 Dak where he is. How about the Stant # <
> only wants a good grade
> thermostat. Aren't the 4.7, 5.2 & 5.9 genIII the
> same thermostat???
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