Re: video of Alan Short's Burnout at the Houston meet

Date: Thu Sep 28 2000 - 21:44:56 EDT

In a message dated 9/28/00 4:32:47 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

<< I had an INSANE thought for a burnout stunt.......set the line loc to
 stay on full time(clothes pin) and set the cruise control for 4K in 1st
 gear......then while the burnout is happening....get out and walk around
 the truck and admire the burnout!!!INSANITY!!!!
 I wouldn't/won't do it, but you know how fantasies just can't
 help it when you think it..... >>

Hey Alan

Are you out on good behavior or sumpin ? I mean to even think that way there
has to be sumpin missin up there :-) Well water ? Better get it checked :-)

Hey what kind of times did ya run down there ?


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