> The bars are just pushed in to the lower control arms and ancors. You may
> need a Big F**ken Hammer them to get them out. The part numbers are
> actually forged into one end of the bars so you wouldn't see the numbers
> until you stood the bar on it's end and looked at the top. You wouldn't be
> able to see them in the truck, however, look at the decal on the door
> It should list your front and rear weight rating. That should give you an
> idea which ones you have.
Walt, did you already swap in the V8 tbars? What was the method you used to
take the old ones out and put the new ones in? I just looked on my trucks
door jam sticker, and is says this:
-GAWR Front 2684 pounds
-GAWR Rear 2684 pounds
-GVWR 5170 pounds
Does this clarify what bars I have??? I looked briefly at the tbar removal,
and I am glad I have air tools, cause I think it may help. I think also a
good day or two of spraying the control arm and the rear mount down with
penetrant lube would be helpful. How does this sound:
I would first jack the front end up and support it with jack stands. Using
my impact gun I would then run both rear passenger and driver side
mounts/adjusters all the way down(loosening of course), so the mounts would
come off. I would then leave the rear mounts on the tbars and move the to
lower control arms. I wonder if my air chisel would help here? If not, you
are right, it looks like a big hammer and a large thick nail set type of
tool, probably just a solid steel pipe I would use to hit the tbar back out
of the control arm. If I can manage to get both tbars out of the control arm
I would just put the tbars in a vise and tap the rear mounts off. I would
clean the rust off of the insides of the front and rear mounts, to help with
reinstallation of the new bars. I can only hope things go this smooth. How
does the above sound to you?
93 Dakota 4x4 V6
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