I was having good results with it...but I decided to go back to tithe basics
and find out why I was having the problems rather than try to cover them up.
I'll dig around for the fittings. I had to install custom fittings on mine.
- Bernd
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-dakota-truck@buffnet.net
[mailto:owner-dakota-truck@buffnet.net]On Behalf Of DICEMAN469@aol.com
Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2000 8:03 PM
To: dakota-truck@buffnet.net
Subject: DML: ATTN Bernd Vortech SFMU
You said you took it out....why is that? You said you had such a good result
once you got it tuned, and I bought mine based on your recommendation.
Anyways I was going to install mine tonight and discovered that the fittings
on the SFMU were different than the fuel fittings for the Powerdyne FMU
fittings are bigger). You wouldn't happen to know off-hand what NPT adapters
I need for this installation, do you?
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