Was wondering if someone could explain to me what this "plug wire reroute
TSB" is?
-----Original Message-----
From: Andy Levy <andylevy@bigfoot.com>
To: dakota-truck@buffnet.net <dakota-truck@buffnet.net>
Date: Monday, October 02, 2000 5:19 PM
Subject: DML: The flashing saga continues
>Chapter 3
>I got a call from Sam Dell Dodge today, Pete the Service Manager heard
>that I wasn't happy with my service last week (recap: I asked them to
>look at my ping problem, they flashed the PCM w/o asking, I informed
>them that I was upset).
>Once again, they were unable to tell me what the flash actually did,
>other than "it's supposed to fix the ping problem." Not only did he now
>know what it did, he didn't seem to care! I informed him that the spark
>plug wire reroute TSB had not been performed and I was now pinging
>almost as much as before the flash. He didn't seem to have heard of the
>reroute TSB, and seemed surprised that the ping was back in full force.
>So, he's going to "check into" the things I told/asked him about and get
>back to me. Mentioned that they'll probably want me to bring it in
>again soon to take another look. At this point, I'm ready to ask for
>the plug wire reroute and a new, clean PCM.
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