RE: Re: New DML Flyers Are Now Ready..

From: Ronald Wong (
Date: Thu Oct 12 2000 - 13:21:05 EDT

Did you create your flyer using Word? How about the business card? If you
could, just attach it to an e-mail and send it direct:


00 SLT QC 4X2 5.9 46RE 3.92 LSD
For modifications see my DML Profile

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of David A
Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2000 8:34 AM
Subject: DML: Re: New DML Flyers Are Now Ready..


I have just finished completing a way to get the "Dakota Mailing List" out
to Dodge Dakota owners.I have created an informational flyer.I have sent the
original draft to out exalted List Creator/Owner,JON STEIGER.Jon told me to
make a change to it and i have done so.

Why,may u ask am i doing this?..Because I,like yourselves are proud of the
Dodge Dakota that we own & drive.V6 or V8,4x2 or 4x4,modified or stock,and i
am proud to be a member of the DML!

I have created this flyer to call attention to Dodge
Dakota owners,everywhere in the 50 states.I carry a stack of them with me in
my truck,and every Dakota i see,i place one under the wipers.
The flyer has the "" web address on it,plus my own
e-mail address,should someone have questions about the DML.I also have some
DML business cards made up,with my 2000 Dakota Quad Cab on it.
(Let me know if you need these as well)

If anyone on the DML would like a pack of these flyers,simply contact me
"off-list",and send me your USPS mailing address.You can even copy the flyer
if you want a supply of your own..(Kinkos is open 24 hours)

Here is the perfect opportunity to increase the membership of the DML.

Happy Truckin,David Digney
00 QC,3.9 V6,42RE,3.55
EGroups List Moderator..""

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