I haven't had the opportunity to go head-to-head against
another Dakota, but since my gear change (3:55 to 3:90) I can
safely say that off the line has dramatically changed. I also
noticed an improvement at highway passing speeds with my
new gears. If you upgrade your 3:21's to 3:55's you will
definitely see an improvement. If you want to go one step
further and install the 3:90's, you'll be grinning like the Cheshire
cat when you first take off ;-)
Chuck Robbins
'99 Intense Blue Dakota
> This may be a dumb question because the answer is probably
> common sense, but - has anyone ever done a head-to-head
> comparison of two dakotas, identical except for the two trucks
> having different gear ratios? I am just curious as to how
> much of a disadvantage I have with the 3.21 gears. I'd like
> to know what kind of difference 3.55 gears or better would
> do for my off-the-line potency.
> thanks,
> Kevin D.
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