Re: Belly-Pan Test - SUCCESS!

Date: Fri Oct 20 2000 - 00:14:11 EDT

I am not familliar with this stuff, but with the word ceramic being used, do
you think it could crack off and possibly damage the motor?
Especially with the pan being steel and the manifold being aluminum,
expanding at different rates.
Good luck

<< > Well, I went on a long shot and think I found the answer to our belly-pan
> leakage problem:
> Moroso "Ceramic Block Seal"
> Clean the manifold REALLY well...Engine Cleaner (Foamy Engine Brite is my
> flavor of degreaser) and then a run through the dishwasher. (Yes...the
> knew about it.) Then, let it air dry and put the belly-pan gasket back on
> with some sealer (Ultra Copper is still myt choice). Then...pour about 1/4
> cup of the Ceramin Block Sealer down into the manifold and swirlt it around
> for about 5 minutes to build up a nice seal around the bottom surfaces.
> Now, put it in your oven at 200 degrees for 30 minutes. Take it out, let
> cool down for about 30 minutes an take a look at the sealer now!
> There's a nice, smooth seal all the way around the surfaces...and it's nice
> and thick to boot.
> - Bernd

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