Re: RE: DODGE SUCKS Need help re Bernd

From: Chris Lambert (
Date: Mon Oct 30 2000 - 20:23:18 EST

Locally I have raced and won against a RC R/T a couple times, once from a
standstill, he had me until I stopped spinning, then I took him up to 60,
then twice from a roll on the highway, back to back... First time I let him
run then chased him down, second time he went to pass me, got up to my door
and then saw nothing but tailgate after a quick shift to 4th (60mph), it
bogged but then bulled like nothing else and dropped him bad, now he looks
the other way on the street....


>Absolutely Terry, the trick we have as 4.7 owners is to compare RC 4.7's
>with 5 speeds against CC Auto R/T's. The 4.7 is going to win! I think a 5
>speed CC might take a CC R/T too. But not so much because we have a
>stronger motor, but because of the 5 speed (depending on whose driving) and
>because the 4.7 has 150lbs stripped off the nose of the truck. It's not a
>bad overall bang for the buck package.
>Man if I didn't have to tow I would be so damn tempted to buy a RC 4.7 5
>speed with 3.92 SG and slam it and mod it, and supercharge it. 12 second,
>2001 Dak anybody?

'00 CC, Packin a 287 Magnum, 5-sp, Gibson Duals, Traction Bars, Spring
Clamps, Magnum Front Plate, Quick D Intake, "Smoke Em" Decal, Paint
In bed-liner, More to come

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