Re: Re: new 270hp S-10 NOW: Mike D's truck

From: mike d. (
Date: Tue Oct 31 2000 - 15:23:38 EST

>>. I assumed with the 360 being built from the ground up with all
the internal goodies that he would put out near 450 rwhp which should easily
be in the 12's. 450 flywheel is another story. No flamin here, just bein

I didn' detect any flamage =) Since the post was directed at me I'll be the
first to say that I personally appreciate a little realism =) I've heard SO
many different things about what I'm "gonna' run", so any educated input is
great! To be honest, if it runs 15's that's okay, becuase the hard part's
over... the swap that is... it's alot easier to figure out how to make more
power when the engine is IN something =) 450 projected flywheel HP should be
in the low 13's high 12's, but this is in a normal truck... my luck isn't t
hat good =)


slammed 88 Dakota --> 360 swap in progress!!

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