Steve, I am up for the CA Speedway run... Send me some info privately
I'll need a large belt to strap me into the seat, but I think I'm ready.
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Steven T. Ekstrand
> Sent: Monday, December 04, 2000 8:33 PM
> To:
> Subject: DML: Re: Hollywood Park AutoX (Solo2)
> AutoX was a blast Sunday! Although I was 20 minutes late to my review
> sessions. The students understood, I played them the tape!
> The incar video turned out really well. I wish I had some way of
> capturing
> it. The guy that owns the camera does so maybe he can cap it for me so I
> can post it on a website. Lots of squeal, but the engine sounds pretty
> buff too!!!
> I kinda lost it on the last lap. Didn't spin but did do a 150 feet worth
> of overcorrections trying to get it across the finish line! Didn't hit a
> cone during the whole mess, but lost time.
> The big tires do help, but it didn't change the lack of concentration in
> the driver.
> I'd really like to see a bunch of Dakotas out there at California
> Speedway.
> We run in the afternoon. There will be a great caterer setup selling
> TriTip steak sandwiches. So come early, watch some heats, have
> lunch early
> and walk the course during the break before the afternoon action. Its
> supposed to be a long fast course!
> Let me know if you have questions and such. They do loan out helmets.
> -Steve Ekstrand
> #360 The WunderSLT
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