Re: RE: RE: Slightly Off Sub\Dakota drivetrain Stress Scale?

From: Andy Levy (
Date: Tue Dec 05 2000 - 21:39:21 EST

I thought the A-12 was a long-range high-altitude interceptor designed
to stop incoming Soviet bombers & run interference for other US
aircraft. The B-52 delivered the goods.

The Man From Utopia wrote:
> >
> > Yes,the SR-71 can chase missiles,and shoot them down..
> > How do i know this?..I toured Lockheed in 1973.I got to sit
> > in the bird.
> > ;)
> >
> > Digger
> Actually they are discussing the SR-71 concept Dakota. But the aircraft
> called the SR-71 was orginally developed as the A-12 which was to deliver
> nuclear weapons deep into the heart of the USSR before the Soviets even knew
> it was there. Hence the development of the MIG-25 to intercept it(later the
> scrapped XB-70 then even later the planned B-1). With the advent of the ICBM
> in the early 60's the A-12 project gave way to the SR-71 which was an A-12
> with the bomb racks removed and camera's put under the nose. The U-2
> eventually took over the for the SR-71 for routine air recon, and the SR-71
> was relegated to high speed photo recon until it was phased out in the 80's.
> I believe 2 71's still fly but with NASA colors...
> Greg
> NE# 3779
> 2K1 Neon ES
> Rahway NJ
> ICQ: 283886

-andy --- ------------------------------------------------------------- modesty, n.: Being comfortable that others will discover your greatness -------------------------------------------------------------

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