You have a real good point Jon and I agree. I think I will draw up a web site
anyhow. But more along the lines of what you said. "Voice our opinions - save
our company" and not a "bash Daimler" sort of a deal.
Jon Steiger wrote:
> I'm not saying that the actions of one individual (or even a large group
> of people) would do any good, but I know that sitting idly by and letting
> everyone think we are perfectly OK with the takeover and subsequent bone-
> headedness definitely won't do any good... Voicing our displeasure might
> just help to bring others to awareness about the situation and provide fuel
> to those folks who *can* make a difference...
It sure does seem that way doesn't it. This sounds like an inside joint
effort. A bunch of Chrysler excs. get a big payoff from the deal, and
Schrempp gets another toy bin to play with. They should make a Hollywood
movie out of all this when its over.
> However, just because Eaton was a wimp doesn't make it right. Schrempp
> lied, plain and simple, this whole idea was a bad one from the start, and
> those people interested in seeing it through (Schrempp, Eaton, and probably
> others) did whatever they could to sneak it by the shareholders. (Anyone
> remember the shareholder report where they tried to skew the truth by using
> two different currencies?) Eaton walked away with a big fat check and left
> Chrysler to rot.
-- Tom Site Updated - on 12/7/00 1989,V6,Auto,8 footer,4x2
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