Ok,it's been really cold here in Madison lately.We have a guy 2 houses
down,with a 94 "exploder".Seems Mr. Moron has a radiator leak,and is too
hard up to get it fixed...He runs straight "distilled water" in the
radiator(yikes!)..So it leakes when the engine gets warmed up.
So this morning,Mr. Moron is out warming up his POS,revving the motor
hard,and fast...trying to melt his frozen radiator.He was out chopping
ice in his radiator with an "ice pick"...(really stupid!!),and then
"CRACK"....Mr Moron breaks something in his engine.I think he broke a rod.
The moron is really dense...says he can fix the rod,without taking off the
oil pan.He says he can do anything...Mr Moron is a plumber
>From: SEMIHEMI01@aol.com
>Reply-To: dakota-truck@buffnet.net
>To: dakota-truck@buffnet.net
>Subject: Re: DML: Ping??
>Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2000 08:52:58 EST
> I get that with 87 octane but not with 89. It's only if the rpm is at
>idle. So, I just run 89 all the time. Bill
>SEMIHEMI01@AOL.COM (Bill C.) 2001 QC, 4.7L, 5spd. 3.55 LSD
>K-N + Cool-Air, Quick-D TB, 10w-30 MOBIL 1, 180 T'STAT, SilBlades
>GIBSON 3" Single Side-Swept cat-back, G-TECH, <A
>HREF="http://hometown.aol.com/semihemi01/">"THE DAK"</A>
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