Re: AHHH!,I finally got on my truck a little!

From: Jon Smith (
Date: Wed Dec 20 2000 - 21:54:58 EST

nope!! I'm at 99,2xx miles and run the living hell out of the motor! Since
the day I bought her (with 16k miles on the ticker) I've probably mangaged
less than a dozen days I have NOT ran her WOT to redline.. pulled the heads
(port work) at 96k miles and had no discernable cylinder wear, the
crosshatching looked brand new. I have not checked compression or
leak-down, but don't think either is a problem to be concerned about...
just change your oil religiously, and run Mobil 1 (IMO) with a good filter
(Wix for me).

Once the motor is broke in, you should run her hard at least once every few
weeks just to blow out carbon buildup. (carbon buildup, as we all know,
causes poor emmissions, mileage, and pinging!!)

--Jon Smith

.Do ya'll think I
hurt anything by doing this? I hope not! I am now kind of worried about the
long-term durability of my motor.How many of ya'll have seen 100,000+ out of
a motor that you are hard on,or race?

Will Coughlin

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